Wednesday, January 7, 2009


It's official, I don't even know the term for it. My mind is in a state of confusion. I am having trouble thinking straight, being organized or functioning at my normal level. We have been remodeling for 2 months. I have nowhere to go in my home for some privacy, there is not one place that is in it's normal state. Our place in Midway is overrun by snow. I feel really out of sorts. I love what we are doing to the house, and it will be great when we are finished, but I feel really unorganized.

The other night we tried to go out to dinner with everyone, It snowed so much that Bryan couldn't make it in, Meg took an hour to get to the place (one block from our home) and then Adam ordered this lovely shrimp dish. We didn't realize we would get the whole thing. It was good for a laugh.

I am trying to cook more at home. The kitchen is pretty much back together as is the family room. So I can move around there a little. Last night I made my version of Barbacoa soup. It turned out really well. I even got an A+ from Mark, which means a lot. Anyway, I am hoping to have my home and mind back very soon.

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